Don’t start blogging, but if you do here are​ some tips if you want to start

Nobody told me when I was interested in the AMC program at St Lawrence College that I’ll be posting blogs about myself, and I really wish they would have. With that being said I should let you guys know that I’m new to new to blogging, and that’s not by choice. This blog I’m writing now is for a college assignment, so I don’t really have a choice.


But now after a few days of thinking it over I know I’m not going to get away with not writing them so I might as well take the time to learn how to write an effective blog. Here is what I think the 3 Important tips are for writing an effective blog.

Tip 1: keep blogs short and effective. Let’s be honest, my life isn’t that exciting, nobody wants to read a blog post that goes on and on about nothing that exciting. When blogging you want to keep your blogs between 300-500 words.

Tip 2: Add a personal touch to your blog. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through your writing. Your personality is one of the more important factors that relate to your blog being successful. Nobody wants to read a post from a robot, be yourself and have fun with it. Also, adding personal images is a good way of helping the reader connect with you.

Tip 3: Lastly, always use a compelling title. You need a title that will grab the reader’s attention and have them wanting to read more. I can already tell that I’m going to struggle very much with coming up with compelling titles myself but it’s something I play on working on. So if you struggle with titles like I do check out this article for help.

Hopefully, when I put these 3 tips together I’ll be able to post somewhat interesting blogs, that only my teacher will read. I know that I’m posting this blogs on my WordPress site, but let’s be honest nobody other than my teachers are going to be reading them. I know that sounds like I’m complaining but believe me I’m not.

I’ve always been nervous when it comes to people reading my work, and now that I have to post them on the internet where anyone could find them is extremely nerve-wracking. But hopefully, this will help me get over my anxiety about others reading my work so at least there’s a positive to end off with.

So, there you go. There’s some insight on why and how I feel about writing these blog posts. However, if anyone does end up reading this blog I do hope the tips help you to write better blogs.

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