You Should Probably Change Your Password.

It only took me 3 short minutes to realize that the Sam Harris podcast featuring Zeynep Tufekci was not going to be like the usual Barstool podcasts I listen to. It was painfully obvious that Sam Harris and Zeynep Tufekci were very educated, and way more educated than I. I knew that during the next hour and 30 minutes I was going to have a hard time understanding half the things they were talking about. During that time there wasn’t a lot that was registering, most of it was going over my head. If I’m being totally honest with myself it probably didn’t help that my roommate was playing FortNite behind me, but let’s not talk about that.

However, there was one point that I could understand and appreciate. Zeynep spoke at the very end of the podcast about password security. I never really cared about password security, I mostly use the same password for almost everything. I probably shouldn’t be telling the internet this, but my password may or may not have my name in it, I’m not very creative. But realistically I should be fine, only my teachers read this blog anyway.

After listening to the podcast, it has got me thinking about the future and as I get older and start to have more important information on my computer that I should put more importance on password security. I don’t think I’ll ever use a random password generator that is just a random combination of letters and numbers. But I definitely think I’ll step it up with passwords that don’t include my name.

I would suggest for someone who is interested in password security to listen to the Sam Harris podcast featuring Zeynep Tufekci. I’ll leave the link below for anyone who is interested. Personally, I’d skip to the end, but for those who are more intellectually advanced than me (which is probably most of you) feel free to explain the podcast to me in the comment section. My consumer behavioral professor would probably appreciate you guys helping me out.

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